
TReD Grp. Appears on 45 Tribute with Autechre


The Research nd Developmt Grp. (TReD Grp.) is featured on a compilation with Autechre!

About the compilation:
+ Go here: Http://www.45tribute.com
+ It's 30 tracks of varying electronic styles
+ It's only $5.00
+ Proceeds go to the World Wildlife Fund
+ Download only -- it's about 350M.

For the official press release, read below.

After the tragic passing of Elektron co-founder Daniel Hansson, a
compilation of music featuring the instruments he helped creating has
seen the light of day.

"45 - A tribute to Daniel Hansson" features unreleased tracks from
30 artists, some of them very well known to the public. The compilation
is an initiative coming completely from the Elektron-users web community
and we at Elektron are very moved by this. We really have the best user
base one can imagine.

When buying a copy of the compilation there is also an opportunity to
win a quite special prize. What it consists of we won't tell you here,
but we can assure you that it belongs to the once-in-a-life-time category.

All the proceeds from the compilation will go directly to the World
Wildlife Fund as environmental causes were close to Daniel's heart.

A big thanks goes out to all the artists who submitted tracks - but maybe
most of all to Ryan Faubion. He is the one who made the compilation
possible. Thank you!

Visit: http://www.45tribute.com/

The Elektron Team

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autechre show: philadelphia, 4/16

Philadelphia show last night, 4/16:

Best. AE. Show. Ever.

+Parking was never so easy: Transit Nightclub is right by a bank and there happened to be one spot left in the bank parking lot. Total walking distance in 45 degree whether: 10 paces. By the way, can you get any more security than parking behind a bank?!

+At 8:45 or 9:00, they still had not let us in, when who brushes by me, trying to get into the venue? Rob and Sean. I had to point out, amid shouts of, "Hey, this is the line, buddy," that the "assholes" cutting in line were actually the feature f*king act! Only in electronic music would the 2nd (behind AFX?) most well known act be able to go unrecognized.

+They let us in to the club (yes, just a one-room club) and Rob Hall began his set. Ya know, I like that guy. Yeah, most DJ's don't really put much effort into their mixes, but his was creative; it was classic IDM, but he managed to remix and extend tracks, which made it interesting.

+Ghram Massey gets up on stage and throws down a lazy, jazzy hi-hat beat and proceeds to blow into his clarinet thingie. I really loved his beats, but the atonal saxophone stuff just doesn't work for me. I keep thinking he's going to launch into "Pacific 101". I give the guy massive props though--he's 808 fricken' state!

+So the stage is set up at the front of the rectangle shaped room and the bar runs parallel to it. I stayed mainly near the end of the bar where it's easy to see what gear everybody is using. Unbeknownst to me at the time, there's only one way out/in to the stage and that's where I was for most of the show.

+Massey gets off the stage where I was and he is immediately accosted by a mid-30's, preppy looking dude. As far as I could tell, it seemed like Massey was being talked to rather than spoken with. Poor guy was trapped the entire night.

+So, Rob Hall gets back on for a few minutes, when Rob and Sean get up on stage. Sean comes balk down, stands right next to me, and lights a smoke. Nobody really has any idea, it seems.
Some super-fanboy starts drooling and not making any sense. Sean is nice about it though and simply says, "thanks."

Being the humorous type, I lean over to Sean and ask, "Hey, who's this guy getting up on stage? Why's he fooling with their equipment."

Hah, Sean got this look on his face like his balls got chopped off and starts to respond, "Oh, he's one half of the band, Autechre..." I stop him mid-sentence and let him know I'm joking.
Hah. He chuckled and responded, "I was going to say...I was trying to be nice." (When he got on stage after our chat, he said something to Rob and pointed over to me. They both chuckled again.)

I didn't want to smother the guy, but I know he likes to talk gear, so I asked him about, what else? The Monomachine. I asked, "So, you have an MK2, right?" "Yeah," he responded.
"What do you think of it compared to the Classic?"
"It's a totally different instrument. It sounds totally different. There's no noise."
"Oh, you mean the noise floor?"
"Yeah, it's much higher quality."
The conversation trailed off after that, as he had to get up on stage again.
This is the second time I've had a conversation with the guy and I can say, for being such a lauded figure in electronica, he's nice and he seemed engaged. Good dude.

+AE's set was the most interesting of the "new AE" type of stuff that I have heard. More "concrete" and structured, as the previous tour, but more than that: it was non-stop and you didn't want to miss one second of it.

+So, obviously, there's a Monomachine, Machinedrum, but what else? Rob was haunched over a controller type thingie all night. It seemed to have some tactile something (I guess a mod wheel or something). I had a good amount of knobs and was quite small. I did not notice the G2 this time. What could that thing be? Just a controller or a synth?

+Before I left, I thought I'd shake Mr. Massey's hand and give him a complement. I mean, he did the album, "Gorgeous," for god's sakes.

+In summary, go to Philadelphia if you want to see any electronic show because you will personally meet your biggest inspirations.
