
new track - a painful death is what i wish (for you)

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another new TReD grp. track - doefield

Here's another (new) one: http://www.glitched.org/files/tred group - doefield.mp3
Phaelam sent me this really thick beat that he made on his Elektribe...ahem, I mean Electribe (which shouldn't be confused with anything Elektron, although it's still a very capable machine), and I chucked it into the MDUW.
The MDUW is great for on-the-fly tweaking of samples, and that's what I did to the beat. Reverse here, stutter there...oh, and the filter and compression!
Anyway, so all the percussion-type sounds come from the MDUW, while the synth sounds were contributed by the DSI Evolver.
I consider it a TReD tune, but it's really about 80% [d], 10% phaelam, this time. Still, without that original beat, there would be no song. Thanks [p]!

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